‘We are what our perceptions are; as are our perceptions, so become our actions; as are our actions, so becomes our destiny.’
This quote is from Dr Bruce Lipton’s classic ‘Biology of Beliefs.’ Bruce Lipton is a celebrated molecular cellular biologist who has rewritten the basic tenets of how cells behave. We have all been taught that we behave the way our genes are designed. Dr Lipton disagrees. He declares that the design of our genes is determined by the way we behave.
We are the creators of our own reality. Whatever is repeated in our mind is projected as our reality. Whatever we believe we are, that is what we are. If we believe that we are depressed, we will be depressed. If we believe that we are wonderful, we will be wonderful.
We ultimately have the power to reprogram and rewire ourselves, to transform a cellular structure, to redesign our genes, our body and therefore, our lives. This is a truth that the Eastern sages and mystics who practiced the inner science knew tens of thousands of years ago and they recorded it in the scriptures. What may have been heresy to scientists a decade ago is now the truth that is being slowly accepted.
The reason we have this body is to achieve the ‘zone of intelligence’, which resides within. This is the goal. Our body is alive and functioning primarily to reach this space in which we can experience a deep and restful awareness, bliss. Although this is our birthright, we don’t experience that .Why?
We accumulate too many negative emotions in our system. Our body is not simply material as it appears to be; again, it is energy and has the capacity to hold thoughts and memories, both negative and positive.
We never think we are good enough physically; another major reason that postpones our enjoyment and expression of our true nature of bliss. We all have the idea that we are not enough unto ourselves. We are continuously made to believe by society that we are not beautiful. The moment we start actually believing that we are not beautiful, we start hiding behind cosmetics. At a more extreme level, some will try to alter their bodies through plastic surgery.
There is no scale of beauty; however, we all have an idea, a scale, a certain set of measurements we continuously believe we need to match. If God were an engineer, he would have created moulds of Miss World and Mister World and commenced a mass production. He would have simply made all of us the same, from the same mould. However, God is not an engineer, he is an artist. He carves every one of us. He paints every one of us. We are all unique. Be very clear, we are not equal but unique. The very idea that everyone is equal is totally wrong.
Whether we believe it or not, we are an expression of self-hypnosis. Whichever way we move the body with the faith that this or that will happen in us, simply it will start expressing in us. The way in which we choose to move our body is irrelevant. If we wish to practice yoga with the intention and belief that we are blissful, this is what will be inscribed in our system and start expressing.
In the practice of Nithya Yoga, the simple technique of visualizing our body as a ‘bliss bag’ is used. When we get up in the morning, we imagine that our body is a ‘bliss bag’ and simply we move our body for 10 minutes in whatever way we wish. Whether we bend this way or that way, practice a certain posture or stand on our head, the way in which you move isn’t important. What is important is our intention. Simply, we visualize our body as a bliss bag and move it in any fashion for just 10 minutes.
We will see that our body becomes matured and holds that intention, that bliss for a long time. We will remain in that same state of higher consciousness for a remarkably longer time; even ordinary sitting. If we choose to sit on a lounge chair and we believe that by sitting, we will have health and then we sit solely for health, simply we will see the health happening in us.
- From Nithyananda's teachings to a set of professionals in US
1 comment:
Yea, I vouch for it. I walk into Nithya yoga class and come out dancing each time! I go in with 57kg of body weight and come out with 40kg...feels so light and fresh and the energy stays for hours ... Amazing science. Thanks to Paramahamsa Nithyananda
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