Sit down for ten minutes with a pen and paper. Now, just start jotting down whatever comes in your mind. Please do not edit your thoughts; write them down as it is. Do not judge yourself and try to control what comes in your mind. If you try to judge, you are playing a hypocritical game with yourself, that’s all. Just write down whatever comes.
Now, read whatever you have written. You can see for yourself how unconnected, illogical your thoughts are!
For example, if you see a dog in the street, suddenly you remember your pet you used to play with as a child. Then you will remember your teacher you studied with as a child, then, where your teacher used to stay.
If you look at your thoughts, you will see logically that the dog in street and the teacher are not connected. There is no logical connection, but simply your mind flows. If you look a little deeper you will understand your thoughts are illogical, independent, unconnected.
Constantly you are connecting all your thoughts and creating shafts in your mind. For example, the headache that happened 10 years ago, the headache that happened 9 years ago, the headache that happened 8 years ago, the headache that happened yesterday, they are all independent experiences that happened in your life.
For the sake of easy reference, you categorize all these experiences in your mind into one category of headache. It is archived just for utility purpose, to serve as reference. Just like how you file documents in your office in various categories, in various files. But, what happens? By and by, you start believing that all these experiences are connected. When you start believing they are connected you create a shaft.
If you connect all the painful memories, you create a pain shaft: ‘My life is pain.’ You start believing your whole life is a chain of suffering, a long chain of suffering.
Whatever you believe, you expand it. If you believe something, you will again and again see that in your life. That is why ancient sages said in Vedas that you create what you want. You create what you desire. What ever you believe you will create it, you will expand it.
Once you start believing your life is pain, you are waiting unconsciously for painful incidents to strengthen that belief, to strengthen that judgment.
Our mind should not be regarded as a dilemma. It should be regarded as a pure inner space, free from negativity and full of awareness. Let thoughts rise and fall naturally, like bubbles in a fish tank, not one connected to another. Destroy the false notion of connectivity of thoughts and reach the state of the present moment, the state of no mind, and the state of dropping thoughts.
Just relax and stop connecting and suddenly you will see such a deep inner healing happening in you, such a deep peace happening in you. Suddenly you will see you have dropped out of the war, the constant running. Just relax.
When you become a drop out, when you drop out of this war, when you drop from this whole game, suddenly you realize the whole thing is just a psychodrama happening. Because you are constantly supporting it, you are creating these shafts.
Some people would say, ‘I fail when I try to be in present’. Why are you connecting your past failure with your present failure? When you connect all the past failures, you create one more word, ‘failure’. The failure that happened 9 years ago, the failure that happened 8 years ago, the failure that happened yesterday are independent incidents. Why do you connect all of them and create the next experience also?
Try this simple meditation:
Just close your eyes. Whatever words are rising in you just let them rise. Just do not connect them with any other thought. Just don’t create a shaft.
If you feel bored, or if your mind asks what to do, do not even connect with that thought. Do not create, maintain, or destroy thoughts.
Try this for a few minutes and you can see the effect for yourself.
From the teachings of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, The great enlightened Master.
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